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The comedy podcast that sees how movies, and our memories, stand the test of time.

Dec 23, 2018

Mother Jugs and Speed movie review ISTYA

This week in our 200th episode we revisit a film that is dim in our memory. So much so, that we forgot who was actually in it, which ended up provoking some serious discussion. 

Join us for Mother, Jugs, & Speed. 

We've recently launched a Patreon, so fans can now support the show and help keep the lights on at...

Dec 16, 2018

total recall 1990 istya movie review

This week we get our arses to Mars at the behest of our Patron Linda! It's a bit of a mind trip though, with mutants, aliens, and the introduction of Sing-along-a-Kuato.

Join us for...Total Recall.

We've recently launched a Patreon, so fans can now support the show and help keep the lights on at ISTYA towers. 


Dec 9, 2018

Deer Hunter ISTYA Movie Review

This week we celebrate our first Patron's choice show by falling into the dark world of PTSD, war, and tuba music. 

Join us for...The Deer Hunter.

We've recently launched a Patreon, so fans can now support the show and help keep the lights on at ISTYA towers. 

There are various benefits on offer, and we can assure you...

Dec 3, 2018

rush hour ISTYA movie review

This week we revisit the movie that brought Jackie Chan to the masses. Well, Western masses, he was pretty big beforehand. 

Join us for...Rush Hour

We've recently launched a Patreon, so fans can now support the show and help keep the lights on at ISTYA towers. 

There are various benefits on offer, and we can assure you...

Nov 25, 2018

Howard the duck ISTYA review

This week we revisit a Superhero film that proves that humans and ducks can fall in love, whilst also proving almost unbearable in every other department.

Join us for...Howard the Duck

We've recently launched a Patreon, so fans can now support the show and help keep the lights on at ISTYA towers. 

There are various...